Wednesday 14 November 2012

How to Shut down PC or a laptop using mobile?

Hi this is Penchal-CEO of pen groups

Now I m going to discuss ---How to Shut down PC or a laptop using mobile?...

Follow the steps--

1. Create Shut Down.bat File in a note pad or word

C:/windows/system32/shutdown –s –f –t 00

Note://Here s-shutdown,f-force,t-time//

2. Use ur gmail account or create any pop3 cable email account

3. Step up Microsoft outlook account

     Follow these steps-

1.Go to Send/Receive and select Send/Receive Settings > Define Send/Receive Groups.

2. Check the box that says "Schedule an automatic Send/Receive every" and then set the number box to "1 minutes" so that it checks for new e-mail messages every minute. Then click "Close".

3. Now go to Tools > Rules and Alerts. In the window that pops up, select "New Rule".

4. Select "Start from a blank rule" and make sure it's set to "Check messages when they arrive" and click Next.

5. The next page will let you select the conditions, so you want to check the box that says "with specific words in the subject line".

6. Now at the bottom of the window, click on the "specific words" link and it will allow you to enter the subject line that you want it to look for.The subject line of that e-mail will read "penchal trick - shutdown" so enter that as the specific words and click Add and OK. Then click Next.

7. On the next page, we will be selecting the action we want it to do. For this project, we want to select "start an application". Click on the "application" link at the bottom of the window now and navigate it to the shutdown.bat file that we created. Note that you will have to change the File Select filter from "Applications (.exe)" to "All Files". Now just click Next and Finish.

4.If you have i phone,android or  e-mailing capabilities on your cell phone, then just send an e-mail to your Outlook account 

                       //Here you can use any method to send SMS to ur data can following steps--

                //**************Try this step***************************//

SMS to Email

Automatically forward incoming SMS messages to Email with SMS Enabler. Define filter conditions to forward received SMS messages to different email addresses depending on the content of the message and/or the sender's number.
SMS Enabler allows you to receive SMS messages and automatically forward them to email in real time.

Configuring SMS Enabler for SMS-to-Email Forwarding
In order for SMS Enabler to be able to email received SMS messages, you must have an email account for SMS Enabler to use to forward SMS messages as emails. The address of this account will appear as the "From: " address of these emails. It can be a free email account (such as GMail), a business account, etc. The main requirement is that this account must support email transfer via SMTP.
Specifying Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Parameters
Open the Settings dialog box and go to the SMS to Email tab page. Specify the SMTP server address and port. If your SMTP server requires authentication, check the Server requires authentication checkbox, and specify the account name (user name) and password.
To use your GMail account with SMS Enabler, you must enable POP/SMTP for your account. To use GMail, set Server to and Port to 465; also check the Server requires a secure connection (SSL) checkbox.
Specifying Outgoing Mail Message Parameters
Open the Settings dialog box and go to the SMS to Email tab page.
Specify the address of the outgoing email account in the From field. Specify the subject of emails in the Subject field. Note that you can use the "%sender" keyword in the Subject field, which will be replaced with the sender's phone number in email messages.
Adding Recipients
Add recipient email address(es) to the list of recipients. Click the Recipients button on the SMS to Email tab to open the Recipients dialog box, where you can edit the list.
Note that you can specify multiple addresses separated by commas on the same line of the list. This can be convenient if you are going to use the same filter condition for multiple addresses (or if you are not going to use filters for these addresses at all).
Adding Filter Conditions
You can define filter conditions for recipients. Filters are defined for each recipient individually (i.e. for each line in the list of recipients).
Only those SMS messages that meet at least one filter condition are emailed. If no filter conditions are defined for a particular address, then all SMS messages are emailed to that address.
You can filter received SMS messages by the sender's number, by the content of the message, or both. To add a filter condition click Add in the Filter condition group box.
In the Add filter dialog box, specify the filter condition for the sender's number and/or message contents. If you specify conditions for both of these criteria, you can specify Filter strictness, i.e. whether received SMS messages must meet both sender number and message content filter conditions to be emailed, or if just one condition is sufficient 
           //**************Try this step***************************//

5.You can either literally use this tutorial as a means to shutdown your computer, or you can use this as a proof of concept. You can use this method to auto-start almost any application and do various other tasks. Before you know it, you may be able to control your entire computer using just your cell phone. Let your creative ingenuity flow!

Plz let me know if you need any help----penchal always ready to help u---if any of ur system is hacked let me know...just leave a Enquiry to my email id

@Penchal-CEO of pen groups


Facebook group-

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