Saturday, 22 December 2012

Create Own Shortcut Command Easy Step to Learn

Hi This is Penchal-CEO of pen groups

Create Own Shortcut Command Easy Step to Learn..
In this tutorial I am going to show you how to make your own shortcut key to open the program in faster way. Using this technique your speed will increase and you can make your own keyboard shortcut Just follow the simple steps. 

1. go to start and right click on the program which you want to create a shortcut key

2. go to properties (see the bellow snapshot) 

3. Now Click on shortcut key and just press ctrl and press any key ( from a to z ). And hit ok and you have done !

Note:if any body is facing with Hacking problem ..... let me know penchal will help you

Penchal-CEO of pen groups

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Change your IP Address Instantly While Browsing Website

Hi This is Penchal-CEO of pen groups

Change your IP Address Instantly While Browsing Website
Everytime you connect to a website it simply scans the IP address you are coming from and hence your identity is exposed. Well there are many ways to hide from them like using a personal VPN server or even using the Hotspot Shield but another easy way I found was to use the NewIPNow com and access any website with different IP’s...

Note:if you are facing with any hacking problem plz let me know....penchal will trouble shoot ur problem

Penchal-CEO of pen groups

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Process Of Wifi password Hacking

Hi This is Penchal-CEO of pen groups

Process Of Wifi password Hacking:-Instal Virtual box .in side Virtual box instal Backtrack 5 r3 and then goto Applications->backtrack 5->Explotation tools->Wireless Explotation tools->WLAN Explotation->Fren-wifi-cracker->Select Inter face.A
fter take new terminal window in this terminal window pshing commands use.there after pentest process .pentest process is giving the paths locations and then finally enter the wifi name in terminal the password will be shown on ur terminal window.

Note:if you are facing with any hacking problem plz let me know....penchal will trouble shoot ur problem

@Penchal-CEO of pen groups
Facebook group:

Sunday, 25 November 2012

How to speed up downloading speed of uTorrent?

Hi This is 
Penchal-CEO of pen groups

i am going to discuss --How to speed up downloading speed of uTorrent?

Torrent users would attest to the fact that half of our time is spent looking for ‘healthy’ torrents and the other half trying to download (and a bit of upload too) at the maximum speed. The former is mandatory; the latter thankfully is within the realm of tweaking.If you are the one who thinks that your torrent download speeds could do with a boost then keep reading.Follow the following setting steps-

Options -> Preferences
These screenshots show the settings that I use to let me reach the speeds shown above:

Then, go to advanced and change your options to match these:

bt.auto_ul_sample_average 80 *
bt.auto_ul_sample_window 80 *
bt.ban_threshold 80
bt.connect_speed 80
net.max_halfopen 80
net.wsaevents 80
rss.update_interval 80

*If you have the latest version of uTorrent (2.0) you will find that these options are no longer available. Dont worry about it and continue onto the next step

Port Forwarding
Let's forward those ports
Port forwarding is where the real speed comes into the equation. Imagine your router or modem as a door to the internet, where each piece of data gets strip-searched on its way in and out - well forwarding the ports is like allowing the data to freely walk through. It speeds up the process massively.
However, every router is different but here are the basic steps to take:

Go back to the connections settings and enter a memorable 4 digit number that preferably doesn't begin with 8.

This is the part that I can't help you with as it is different for every router. However, if you go to here you can chose your router from a list and follow customised instructions for your individual router.

The following tips require no uTorrent settings to be changed but will increase your speeds greatly.

- Always pick a torrent file with more seeders than leechers otherwise you have no chance of getting any sort of resonable speed
- Don't try limiting the download or upload speeds. I've seen numerous guides with recomendations of limiting speeds, in all honesty -I used to do it myself. However, this doesnt work and its best to let the software sort it all out itself.
- Always seed! Don't go around taking data without giving any back yourself, it's just not very nice.

Few tips on how to speed up torrent download speed.

1.Your ISP is where it starts

Check the maximum download and upload speeds allowed by your ISP. Most ISP’s have specific bandwidths for both uploads and downloads. Obviously your torrent download speed won’t cross the cap set by the ISP.

2.Choosing the right BitTorrent client

Use the better clients out there like uTorrent, Vuze or the BitTorrent client itself. The choice of client used should always be updated to the latest version. The screenshots here depict uTorrent. The settings should be similarly configurable for other clients too. Mac users shuld also check our Transmission vs. uTorrent post

3.Go for healthy seeds and peers

A peer is any computer participating in the download and upload of a torrent file. A seed (or seeder) is anyone who has one complete copy of the file being shared across the torrent network. A leech (or a leecher) is the person who does not have the complete file yet but has joined the network to download it. A leecher becomes a seeder when he downloads the entire file and then shares it across the network.

For high torrent speeds, the best bet is in numbers. The greater the number of seeders, the healthier the torrent and the better the chance of higher speeds. The rule of thumb says to choose the torrent files with a high number of seeders and preferably lesser number of leechers i.e. a higher seed-leecher ratio.

4.Get through the firewall

Firewalls can block all incoming BitTorrent connections coming through. To ensure otherwise, a firewall should be manually configured to accept the connections and let it through the client. Windows XP has the Windows Firewall. Configure the firewall installed to accept the connections by checking the BitTorrent client on the allowed list i.e. Options – Preferences ““ Connection – check Add uTorrent to Windows Firewall. Also, check the Windows Firewall exception (if you keep it enabled) in your client too. Shutting down the firewall is not recommended as it leaves the computer open to attack.

Note: If the home computer is behind a router, it also should be configured through the feature called Port Range Forwarding to enable torrent traffic. The router documentation should have specific information on this.

5.Limit your upload rate

A peer to peer network is all about sharing alike, but an unlimited upload rate hits the download rate too. Using the speed tests, find out your maximum upload speed and then set your client’s upload rate (Global Upload Rate in uTorrent) to about 80% of your maximum upload speed. You can also try varying your upload speeds ““ keep it high initially and then gradually bring it down towards the middle of the download.

Note: Mind the speed units ““ it may be given in kilobits per second (kb/sec) orkilobytes per second (kB/sec). 1 kilobyte = 8 kilobit

6.Go to a different port

The default port for the BitTorrent protocol is any between port numbers 6881-6999. ISPs throttle traffic on these ports as BitTorrent sharing involves high bandwidth usage. It’s easy to configure a different port in your torrent client. Use some number above 10000 to get around ISPs and also avoid problems with other applications. By default, the uTorrent port is randomized each time it starts. Set a specific port by not enabling the Randomize Port setting.

7.Increase the number of Max Half Open TCP connections

This figure specifies how many connections a torrent client should attempt to establish simultaneously at any given time. Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2) or newer, limits this to a default of 10 as a barrier against virus multiplication. But that’s a bummer for torrent speeds as torrents too need a large number of simultaneous connections.

A patch has been available for a while from LvlLord which modifies the TCPIP.sys file in Windows to allow a higher number of TCP connections.

After running the patch, you have to set the number of connections in your torrent client. For example, in uTorrent go to Options ““ Preferences ““ Advanced – net.max_halfopen. Set any number from 50 to 100. But see that net.max_halfopen is set lower than the value set in TCPIP.SYS. Always check if it is still patched because Windows updates sometimes overwrite it.

8.Experiment with Protocol Encryption

Some ISPs love to act like Big Brothers and constrict bandwidth for P2P protocols. Protocol Encryption in most of the torrent clients helps to override this bandwidth shaping. Enable outgoing protocol encryption and put a checkmark on Allow Incoming Legacy Connections.

With protocol encryption, ISPs find it difficult if not impossible to detect that the traffic is coming from BitTorrent. Experiment with enabled, disabled and forced options because you could be getting better speeds with encryption disabled. Non-encryption makes a torrent connection compatible with someone who is not using encryption but as a minus it makes the torrent detectable to an ISP with a bandwidth restricting policy.

9.Bandwidth and connections

Global maximum number of connections gives the maximum number of connections that a BitTorrent client can make for any P2P exchange. Setting this too high does NOT mean higher speeds. Setting it too high would take up useless bandwidth and too low a figure would miss out on peers. For my 256kbps connection, I have a setting of 130.

Maximum number of connected peers per torrent gives the maximum number of peers that a BitTorrent client can connect to for any P2P exchange. Experiment by setting this number close to the available peers for a particular torrent. For my 256kbps connection, I have a default setting of 70.

Number of upload slots per torrent gives the maximum number of peers that a BitTorrent client will upload to for any P2P exchange. A low setting may affect downloads. For my 256kbps connection, I have a setting of 3.

uTorrent has a Speed Guide which handily calculates the figures for a particular connection.

10.Some common sense

Most BitTorrent clients allow us to view the individual files in a download. You can selectively disable the download of files you don’t think necessary.

Familiarize yourself with the customization settings of your particular client available in the Help files or at the website FAQs.

If you have any doubts feel free to ask.if any of your server gets hacked just leave an Enquiry Penchal will troubleshoot your problem and get back to your solution

@Penchal-CEO of pen groups
Facebook group-

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Email account Hacking

Hi This is Penchal-CEO of pen groups--

Today i am going to discuss ---How To Hack Any Email Account?....

So lets start with some of basics,


This has become a very common way to hack any email account, It is also known as Phishing attack in the language of the hackers.

Yes,This is the very famous 
phishing attack. This is the most concerned security threat prevailing in the society 

As the target of this kind of attack are the social people. 

There are two types of phishing attack :-

1.Normal Phishing.
2.Desktop Phishing.

The basic idea behind the phishing attack is to make victim fool by redirecting him to a website same as original site,while saving his password,

which he thinks is login in to his account and gets hacked. 

To Hack Any Email ID you have just follow the following simple steps, 

1. Firstly , You have to create you website or to have a account on any Free web hosting service which have PHP enabled service.

[For most of the newbies,i would recommend you to register for a free web hosting service such as or any free web hosting service
that comes with php enabled in it.But 110mb is best because of its user friendly service they provide] 

2. After you have setup your account on any free web hosting service,you have to upload your phisher on to the the file directory of your site. 

3. For that you have to make your own phishing page which is discussed on this webpage -

Click Here To view how to make your own phisher 

[Phisher page will be the login page same as of the Email service your victim is using for example :-Gmail,orkut,yahoomail, pay pal etc.
It will Look Just as same as you are asked to login to your Email account,Thats where the victim gets tricked aka HACKED] 

4. There will be another file needed also named as "login.php" .Which will give the condition to save the username and password typed by the user.

[NOTE:- I will not be providing the login.php to you,You have to get the login.php by yourself.
if you have some knowledge about the php language you can make your own login.php
For those who don't have knowledge about php language i recommend you search forlogin.php on Google,you will surely get that file.] 

5. So,After you have created you phisher it is time to edit them,so as to make them save the username and password typed by the victim.

Here are the simple steps to edit the phisher :-

i. Open your phisher in a web browser,Right click in Somewhere in middle of the web browser and then click on View Source.

ii. A new windows will pop up,click on Edit>Search and type action in the search box,and then click on search.

iii. It will take you to the First action String, after the equals two mark type login.php in replace of the the text written after it.

iv. Click on Seach again,this time it will take you to another action string,after the equal to mark type in replace of the text written in front of the equals to mark.

NOTE: you have to type you your sites name in replace of your-site,and your free webhosting service against yourservice in over in step iv. 

6. So, Now you have done the difficult part it is time for some HACKING.

NOTE: You have to upload all the files on your free webhosting service directory,including in index_files Folder in the directory.Or it wount work.
The Directory Will be :-

7. Now you have to just send the victim to your phisher site 

You can send him the message to visit your phisher for example :-

How is it going.
You know what, i visited a site yesterday it is a new look of [Victims Email Service].
just check out.
Its really good.
You can make your own message and send it to victim. 

9. To view the saved password you have to just log on to your free webhosting service account and open login.txt to view the saved password. 

10. And you are done,In just ten steps you have leaned the phishing attack

Plz let me know if you need any help...if any body data base,email accounts or any thing got hacked just contact penchal--CEO of pen groups---i will recover it for you...
@Penchal-CEO of pen groups
Facebook group-

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

How to Shut down PC or a laptop using mobile?

Hi this is Penchal-CEO of pen groups

Now I m going to discuss ---How to Shut down PC or a laptop using mobile?...

Follow the steps--

1. Create Shut Down.bat File in a note pad or word

C:/windows/system32/shutdown –s –f –t 00

Note://Here s-shutdown,f-force,t-time//

2. Use ur gmail account or create any pop3 cable email account

3. Step up Microsoft outlook account

     Follow these steps-

1.Go to Send/Receive and select Send/Receive Settings > Define Send/Receive Groups.

2. Check the box that says "Schedule an automatic Send/Receive every" and then set the number box to "1 minutes" so that it checks for new e-mail messages every minute. Then click "Close".

3. Now go to Tools > Rules and Alerts. In the window that pops up, select "New Rule".

4. Select "Start from a blank rule" and make sure it's set to "Check messages when they arrive" and click Next.

5. The next page will let you select the conditions, so you want to check the box that says "with specific words in the subject line".

6. Now at the bottom of the window, click on the "specific words" link and it will allow you to enter the subject line that you want it to look for.The subject line of that e-mail will read "penchal trick - shutdown" so enter that as the specific words and click Add and OK. Then click Next.

7. On the next page, we will be selecting the action we want it to do. For this project, we want to select "start an application". Click on the "application" link at the bottom of the window now and navigate it to the shutdown.bat file that we created. Note that you will have to change the File Select filter from "Applications (.exe)" to "All Files". Now just click Next and Finish.

4.If you have i phone,android or  e-mailing capabilities on your cell phone, then just send an e-mail to your Outlook account 

                       //Here you can use any method to send SMS to ur data can following steps--

                //**************Try this step***************************//

SMS to Email

Automatically forward incoming SMS messages to Email with SMS Enabler. Define filter conditions to forward received SMS messages to different email addresses depending on the content of the message and/or the sender's number.
SMS Enabler allows you to receive SMS messages and automatically forward them to email in real time.

Configuring SMS Enabler for SMS-to-Email Forwarding
In order for SMS Enabler to be able to email received SMS messages, you must have an email account for SMS Enabler to use to forward SMS messages as emails. The address of this account will appear as the "From: " address of these emails. It can be a free email account (such as GMail), a business account, etc. The main requirement is that this account must support email transfer via SMTP.
Specifying Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Parameters
Open the Settings dialog box and go to the SMS to Email tab page. Specify the SMTP server address and port. If your SMTP server requires authentication, check the Server requires authentication checkbox, and specify the account name (user name) and password.
To use your GMail account with SMS Enabler, you must enable POP/SMTP for your account. To use GMail, set Server to and Port to 465; also check the Server requires a secure connection (SSL) checkbox.
Specifying Outgoing Mail Message Parameters
Open the Settings dialog box and go to the SMS to Email tab page.
Specify the address of the outgoing email account in the From field. Specify the subject of emails in the Subject field. Note that you can use the "%sender" keyword in the Subject field, which will be replaced with the sender's phone number in email messages.
Adding Recipients
Add recipient email address(es) to the list of recipients. Click the Recipients button on the SMS to Email tab to open the Recipients dialog box, where you can edit the list.
Note that you can specify multiple addresses separated by commas on the same line of the list. This can be convenient if you are going to use the same filter condition for multiple addresses (or if you are not going to use filters for these addresses at all).
Adding Filter Conditions
You can define filter conditions for recipients. Filters are defined for each recipient individually (i.e. for each line in the list of recipients).
Only those SMS messages that meet at least one filter condition are emailed. If no filter conditions are defined for a particular address, then all SMS messages are emailed to that address.
You can filter received SMS messages by the sender's number, by the content of the message, or both. To add a filter condition click Add in the Filter condition group box.
In the Add filter dialog box, specify the filter condition for the sender's number and/or message contents. If you specify conditions for both of these criteria, you can specify Filter strictness, i.e. whether received SMS messages must meet both sender number and message content filter conditions to be emailed, or if just one condition is sufficient 
           //**************Try this step***************************//

5.You can either literally use this tutorial as a means to shutdown your computer, or you can use this as a proof of concept. You can use this method to auto-start almost any application and do various other tasks. Before you know it, you may be able to control your entire computer using just your cell phone. Let your creative ingenuity flow!

Plz let me know if you need any help----penchal always ready to help u---if any of ur system is hacked let me know...just leave a Enquiry to my email id

@Penchal-CEO of pen groups


Facebook group-

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

create Internal Links to sections within the same Blogger Post & Different Blogger Posts

Hi This is Penchal-CEO of Pen groups

Today we are going to discuss---

How to create Internal Links to sections within the same Blogger Post & Different Blogger Posts?...
How to create Internal Links to sections within the same Blogger Post?

First of all

How do I create links? The answer is very easy, I used simple html that anyone can learn in a few minutes. Here are the steps I used to create links.

Log in to your Blogger Account.

Go to Posting > New Post or Edit Post and either create a new article or edit an existing one.

Within the article find a place where you want to add some jump links. This will be early on in the article as it will help the reader figure out what information is significant to them and how to get there quickly

Switch to the Edit HTML mode rather than compose mode so you can see the code you are inserting into your post

Create some headings that will be your links to material further down in your Blogger article. Note you can also just jump to a word but for the purposes of this demonstration and clarity I am going to use headings. When creating this post I used the following headings:

How to Create Internal Links To Sections Within the Same Blogger Post

Add links to your headings like so:

<a href="#withinposts">How to Create Internal Links To Sections Within the Same Blogger Post</a>

<a href="#withinblogger">How to Create Internal Links To Sections Within Different Blogger Posts</a>

The href attribute and closing </a> element is the same structure you use for other links in your blog

Each identifier is preceded by a hash mark (#). The # tells the visitor's browser to look for a section within your post

Each link identifier needs its own unique identifier and needs to be enclosed in inverted commas. Use a name that reflects the link you are creating if possible as it will make it easier to identify on a page with a lot of internal jump links.

Now go to the first point in your post where you want to jump the reader to. This will be the start of some new idea, section or logical split in the information.

At this point create your anchor text by first adding your heading and then enclosing your heading with this anchor structure.

<a name="identifier">a heading</a>

Note the use of the name attribute at the beginning and the </a> element at the end

Each link identifier needs to be enclosed in inverted commas. Make sure to match up the correct identifier with the one created in step 6

Using this anchoring structure our first anchor becomes:

<a name="withinposts">How to Create Internal Links To Sections Within the Same Blogger Post</a>

Substitute your own link identifier and headings

Now move on to the next point you want to link to and create the second anchor. In this example we use the same structure but change the identifier

<a name="withinblogger">How to Create Internal Links To Sections Within Different Blogger Posts</a>

Again substitute your own link identifier and headings to suit your article

Save and Publish as normal and you will see your links are live and will jump the reader to different parts of the post
How to Create Internal Links To Sections Within Different Blogger Posts?

Now you know how to create links to sections within Blogger posts let's look at how to create internal links within different Blogger posts.

Most of you will be able to create a link to another post in Blogger using the posts editor. You just highlight the text you want and click on the figure eight icon and Blogger creates the link for you. Which is great most of the time.

However what if we want to direct the visitor to a particular section of a different post? When you create an internal link it will take the viewer to the top of the page but what if you want them to see something near the end of the article? Well using an internal link similar to what we did to create internal links within the post we can.

Say I want to redirect my reader to a particular post in this case Blogger SEO Tips and Tricks. How would I go about it?

I create the link as usual by copying the article URL address from the browser address bar and using the post editor to add the link. The Blogger post editor uses this structure:

<a href="URLaddress">linkname</a>

So the Blogger editor would create the following link:

<a href="">SEO tips and trick to improve your blogs ranking</a>

The link would appear like this in a browser:
SEO tips and tricks to improve your blogs ranking

Now I want to redirect my visitors to the section about Free GPRS so I add a section name using the following structure:

<a href="URLaddress#identifier">linkname</a>

Thus my link would look like this in the Edit HTML section of my post editor

<a href="http:// GPRS">Free GPRS</a>

Note the link seen in a browser remains the same

If you want your link to open in a new browser window add the following to your link:

<a href=" GPRS" target="_blank">Free GPRS</a>

Now I need to go to the post I am linking to and add the anchor. So in the Label Free GPRS I would use the following structure to link to the section about Aircel Free GPRS Trick Working October 2012

<a name="identifier">a heading</a>

So the section about Aircel free gprs in label Free GPRS is now enclosed by the following:

<a name="Free GPRS">Aircel Free GPRS Penchal Trick  is Working </a>

If you now click on the link below you will see that your browser open a new window and take you directly to the section about Aircel Free GPRS Trick Working

Save and Publish as normal and you will see your links are live and will jump the reader to different parts of the post

Plz let me know if you need any help....penchal always ready to help u
@Penchal-CEO of pen groups

Monday, 12 November 2012

how to Place face book chat on a fire fox slider?

Hi This is Penchal-CEO of pen groups--

Today we are going to discuss--- how to Place face book chat on a fire fox slider?--


1.Open Mozilla Firefox browser and press Alt key

2. Select bookmarks and select "show all bookmarks"

3. A box will open, from that select unsorted bookmarks > organise > new bookmark.

4. Again a box will open, in that type "facebookchat" in first box and type "" in second box .

5. Click on load this bookmark >add.

6. Now again press alt key > view > side bar > bookmarks.

7. Then select facebook chat from the bookmarks in slide bar.

8. You are done.Now you will be able to see chat bar on the left side of your Mozilla Firefox Browser.

Try this trick....plz let me know if you need any help...penchal always ready to help you...if i feel it is good

@Penchal-CEO of pen groups