Saturday, 22 December 2012

Create Own Shortcut Command Easy Step to Learn

Hi This is Penchal-CEO of pen groups

Create Own Shortcut Command Easy Step to Learn..
In this tutorial I am going to show you how to make your own shortcut key to open the program in faster way. Using this technique your speed will increase and you can make your own keyboard shortcut Just follow the simple steps. 

1. go to start and right click on the program which you want to create a shortcut key

2. go to properties (see the bellow snapshot) 

3. Now Click on shortcut key and just press ctrl and press any key ( from a to z ). And hit ok and you have done !

Note:if any body is facing with Hacking problem ..... let me know penchal will help you

Penchal-CEO of pen groups

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Change your IP Address Instantly While Browsing Website

Hi This is Penchal-CEO of pen groups

Change your IP Address Instantly While Browsing Website
Everytime you connect to a website it simply scans the IP address you are coming from and hence your identity is exposed. Well there are many ways to hide from them like using a personal VPN server or even using the Hotspot Shield but another easy way I found was to use the NewIPNow com and access any website with different IP’s...

Note:if you are facing with any hacking problem plz let me know....penchal will trouble shoot ur problem

Penchal-CEO of pen groups

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Process Of Wifi password Hacking

Hi This is Penchal-CEO of pen groups

Process Of Wifi password Hacking:-Instal Virtual box .in side Virtual box instal Backtrack 5 r3 and then goto Applications->backtrack 5->Explotation tools->Wireless Explotation tools->WLAN Explotation->Fren-wifi-cracker->Select Inter face.A
fter take new terminal window in this terminal window pshing commands use.there after pentest process .pentest process is giving the paths locations and then finally enter the wifi name in terminal the password will be shown on ur terminal window.

Note:if you are facing with any hacking problem plz let me know....penchal will trouble shoot ur problem

@Penchal-CEO of pen groups
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